When you have a business that you work tirelessly and with dedication at, but need a travel break or are required to travel as a part of your work, you want to ensure that your business is in safe and running order whilst you are away. This is mostly to do with the competency and trustworthiness of your employees, but also importantly the effectiveness of the project management systems in place. Being away from you business, you want to ensure that information is at your fingertips and communication is streamlined so you can resolve any issues, luckily in this day and age there are multiple systems you can build into your website design for remote working capability.
Whilst you are away traveling, the safety of your business is a priority. Safety is always an important aspect with your business, preventing accidents and ensuring your employees are protected from harm and it’s crucial that business owners understand the importance of investment in safety. There are many reasons why safety is important as your staff have families to go back to, you must ensure that safety equipment and guards are always available and that appropriate reporting procedures are in place should an incident occur. A proficient safety management system in place will ensure you have peace of mind whist travelling, that your staff will be able to record and communicate any concerns to you directly so action can be taken.
No matter the size of your business, worker productivity shouldn’t be your first priority, managing safety is at the utmost importance, both for legal and moral reasons. With your absence whilst travelling you want to safeguard your business from safety threats, not just trips and accidents but also burglaries, break-ins, fire hazards, and other health risks. Verify that all electric equipment is tagged, smoke alarms are installed, security systems are in place, insurance is paid and health hazards such as mould are removed. A safety management system should record this information and prompt regular check-ups are crucial times. Aim to foster a safe work atmosphere where staff look out for each-other and raise any concerns to you whilst you are away travelling.
As an owner/manager of a business, your duties to promote safety and project monitoring include:
- Initiating and executing safe work procedures in accordance with guidelines such as Work Safe Victoria
- Following up and monitoring of progression of projects
- Training your staff to follow safe work strategies
- Make sure safe equipment and machinery is used
- Follow up and act upon injury and incident reports
- Provide safety gear to staff such as high vis clothing, appropriate footwear and sun protective gear
- Have active workers insurance and compensation as well as a back to work program for those who are injured
- Raise concerns at staff meetings and encourage safe behaviour
- Keep track of projects and procedures via a professional management system
- Ensure your employees practice good housekeeping habits and to not take any shortcuts
Traveling and being away from your business can be a daunting thought, but with proper management systems in place and a trusty web agency by your side to help with any online issues, you can be assured that your staff and business will be protected from harm and that you will be on top of all the happenings of your business no matter where you are in the world.